Blogs: Week of 13 Sep — 19 Sep

Yuhan Gao
2 min readSep 18, 2021

What did you do this past week?

I have submitted all my projects for the other two CS course I have. It did take me some time to debug them, but overall my partner and I finished it on time. I also did some Leetcode problems this week since now is the hire season. I might apply all the companies I know.

What’s in your way?

I caught a cold this week which made me really sick. I missed two days of classes and I have to catch up when I am feeling better. Fortunately, it is just a regular cold(negative covid). I feel dizzy everyday and lost my voice beacause of sputum. Anyone who read this blog please share some medicines that I can buy to get my voice back.

What will you do next week?

I probably will be better next week and catch up whatever I missed this week. Midterms are also coming. I have to spend some time to review the materials. I will still continue on doing Leetcode problems.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #4: What Happens to Us?

Nowadays there are so many “not bad” racism. Some people think it is unfair for them because one can get the job just because she is a woman or she/he is black. That’s totally insane.

What was your experience of Collatz, exceptions, and types? (this question will vary, week to week)

I am very comfortable with Collatz, exceptions, and types using Java or C++(Since I took OOP last semester). I have not used them in Python. Python is quite simpler than the other two languages. Exceptions and types are always being used when we write code in industries. Sometimes we might create different class and that’s where we use types. Exceptions could help us handle different exceptions in different situations.

What made you happy this week?

I finished all my projects that are due this week on time. I also start watching Harry Potter season. Honestly, I watched this movie when I was really young, but at that time, I was not attracted by this movie because I don’t like ‘magic’. Now, I am attracted by the story in this movie.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

I read an article about Haskell and found this programming language is probably the best language for building production software systems. I have never heard of Haskell before reading this article. The article introduces how strong is this language. Below is the link if anyone interested:

